Dragon Age: Origins is one of the mainstream consumer interactive entertainments having elves and dragons, and also stat-juggling role-playing game. This game is in fact a rare example of such games which calls for high-powered PC rig. Though the game is also available for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but this is the best game of the year built exclusively for the PC gamers.
The game, Dragon Age: Origins, keeps the storyline, locations and characters same even in the redesigned menu meant for the gamepads and also for the lower-resolution TV screens. In fact the developers judged PC version of this games to be superior. They judged for its better graphics, flexible than before camera and also the easy and smooth ability of pausing the action for any strategic plan.
Earlier, long before the release of this game, it was much talked that the heart of the game has been buried under too much of tired ideas of how to sell at its best a game of sword-and-sorcery genre. It was a big budget game with the adventure style of Lord of the Rings movies. Lots of talks also took place about the party management, history of several fictional kingdoms and also about the most frightening among all, a "prequel novel," who is explaining the backstory of the game. All these are really awesome.
Well, among all these pre-release talks, Electronic Arts (EA) have emphasized in massive battle scenes in the game. There are PC-13 love triangles in the game and also there has been included some occasional fights against the giant dragon.
Depending on the characters which one design, the first two or three hours will be different in matters of the choice of race like human, elf, or dwarf, the choice of profession such as fighter, mage, or rogue, or even the choice of social status like the noble or the commoner.
One thing is for sure to all the casual gamers, entering this Dragon Age: Origins game is not a small commitment. There are too many dialogs in the game. There are also too many pages of onscreen text about the game to read. Ah! what a throwback to decades ago role playing games of computer versions. It must be updated to make it less lengthy in reading.
The voice actors of Dragon Age: Origins also have done a great job with their voice modulation talent. Though they stuck to some lines in between and picked up from lines in delivering from Ray Harryhausen Sinbad movie but it is entertaining as a whole and impressive too. Thanks to Bioware once again for gifting us such a wonderful game.
The game is truly made with the care of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie with huge tip of hat and the classic swords-and-sorcery gaming. If you pretend of not playing any of such games then do give a try to Dragon Age: Origins. It will keep you engaged and entertained for more than two to three hours continuously.
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