Allow me to brush aside all formalities for a moment and just say - this is the best looking game I've ever seen on a console. Period. Having played the original Uncharted, I can very confidently say this game improves upon literally every possible aspect, with an emphasis on game length, features and replayability.
What I loved:
• The quality. This game practically creates its own genre (I would call it "movie game"), simply from sheer quality. The amount of detail crammed into every scene, and I'm talking graphics and sound both, is just mind blowing. This is one of those games where 20% of your time playing is spent staring at the screen and rotating the camera around yourself.
• The length. I completed my first playthrough on normal within 2-3 days. That is because this game is ALL KILLER NO FILLER. It is very difficult to put the controller down because the action simply never dries up. When I was halfway through the game, I spent the entire last half saying to myself, "this has gotta be the last level." This game just delivers, over and over and over til the VERY end.
• The acting. Better than many motion pictures, the animations are as good as you'll ever see (they're actually acted out) and the voice acting is very professional. Particularly Nolan North as Drake (ODST, halo wars, shadow complex, infamous, he's in a ton of stuff).
• The multi-player. I've been playing this multi-player pretty consistently since I've had the game. It's not that kind of cheapy thing that feels tacked on the end of the game. I will say they do little in the realm of innovation here, but they do take a lot of previous ideas and make them extremely fun. You've got team deathmatch (halo mode), elimination (counterstrike mode), survival (ODST mode), unique co-op missions (l4d mode), capture the flag, and all have matchmaking. Then, you also have a level up system, which you earn money and levels based on your performance in matches. You use money to buy new player skins, Boosters (think CoD perks), and more.
What Could've Been Better:
• TIES? There are some elements of multi-player, that after you've been playing awhile, start to get annoying. For example, in elimination mode (my favorite mode, hands down) they have TIES. This is plain sad. How can you accept or allow a tie in an online match? This just doesn't compute. If it's 5 on 5, and one person is left on both teams, one person can just hide from the other player until the timer runs down and it will result in a tie. If its 5 on 5 and eventually becomes, 4 vs 1, that one lone person can hide and run the timer down, resulting in, yes, a TIE! This is wrong on so many levels, primarily because the other team should have obviously won, but also because all the dead players are left to watch a 2 minute cat and mouse game. It's boring! Don't be that guy that tries to hide and draw a tie!
• When playing in elimination matches, the nature of the mode allows for a lot less kills than, say, deathmatch. For example you could get 5 kills in a full elimination round, whereas in deathmatch you could get 18. Basically this means you're going to get money and levels 3x faster in deathmatch mode. Just a minor gripe, considering I play elimination about 80% of the time. Deathmatch for warm ups.
• Matchmaking can be slow at times, and sometimes the teams come out whacky imbalanced (based only on levels). These two things are uncommon and it seems like they will improve over time.
• I wouldn't say this game is glitch free at all. There's a certain learning curve to the controls, yes, but sometimes sticking your back to the wall you intend just doesn't work out. You can find yourself doing some real crazy actions on accident.
All things considered, I think that if you could only have one PS3 game, it should probably be this game. If you own a PS3, this game is one of reasons. When companies deliver such high quality like this, it can't be missed!
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