Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Wii Sport Are Great to Play

When the Nintendo Wii was released it did something game consoles hadn't done in quite a while - it packaged a game with it. Wii Sports was a living breathing tutorial on how to use your Wiimote and Nunchuck attachment. Through sports like baseball, golf, boxing, and the two most popular choices (tennis and bowling) you could learn how to master your Wiimote. However, what people found was that this little game was epically addicting. People spent hours, days, weeks trying to outdo their friends and family. Now comes the follow up, Wii Sports Resort. With new events, enhanced old favorites, and that classic addictive game play that only Nintendo can do.

The Wiimote now has a new attachment, the Wii MotionPlus, which provides greater accuracy to your movement. Your slightest movements are recognized by it, meaning there is less frantic waving and arm cramps in your future. To demonstrate this, the game allows you to become acclimated with this new attachment (bundled with the game) by having your Mii character sky dive onto the resort island where all the games will be played. All you careen towards the island the on screen displays show you how to use the remote to pull off aerial tricks so by the time you land you've got the basics down.

Your new found accuracy will come in handy with games such as archery, where you will find the exactness of the motion control amazing. This also means you can't 'blame the game' when you miss. All together, there are 12 events to partake in. Along with archery, you get basketball, Frisbee tossing, cycling, canoeing, power cruising, table tennis, air sports, swordplay, wakeboarding, and new versions of golf and bowling.

In basketball you not only get to play a pickup game, you can also compete in a three point shoot out. Frisbee tossing allows you to toss the ol' Frisbee around with your dog. Swordplay allows players to do something the Wiimote seems made for, use it as a sword.

As with the original Wii Sports, there are always challenges and skill levels to keep you coming back. Bonuses and unlockable secrets are a mainstay in modern gaming and they're here in full effect. The graphics, as always, are basic yet vibrant, pleasing to the eye and kept to a minimum. This game is all about fun and gameplay, and anyone buying it knows that going in. For the cold winter months, you can't go wrong staying active and having a blast at the Wii Sports Resort.


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